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Team of Industrial Engineers

Osteopharm, RO


In NerveRepack project, Osteopharm is mainly involved in WP4 with specific tasks, like defining the functionality requirements for the exoprosthesis from the user point of view. Osteopharm will participate also in the design of the mechatronic structure of the exoprosthesis, will develop a study on biocompatible materials that can be used for the fabrication of the collar (for mounting the exoprosthesis on the user's stump) and will participate in the testing and evaluation of the functionality of the exoprosthesis.


Project Coordinator


Carmen Moldovan

IMT Bucharest


126a Erou Iancu Nicolae Street

077190 Voluntari



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© 2024 by NerveRepack. All rights reserved.


NerveRepack is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement nº 101112347. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the CHIPS Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is supported by the CHIPS Joint Undertaking and its members including top-up funding by Romania, Germany, Norway, Italy, The Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Spain and Switzerland.

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